Product Information
- Product Name: CEPC
- Chemical composition: Dicetylperoxydicarbonate
- Form: flakes, technical purity
- Molecular weight: 570.9 g/mol
- Main applications: Used as initiator (source of free radicals) in polymerization reactions of monomers, e.g. vinyl chloride.
Technical data
- Form: white, greasy flakes
- Peroxide content: approx. 96% (mass %)
- Active Oxygen Content: approximately 2.69% (% by mass)
- Desensitizer: None
- Heap density: approx. 0.50 kg/l
- Melting point: approx. 55°C
- SADT: approx. 40°C
- Recommended storage temperature: below 20°C
- Maximum transportation temperature: 20°C
- Storage stability from date of delivery: 6 months
Half-life data
- 10 hours/1 hour/1 minute (0.1 m/benzene): 41/57/90°C
- For (co-)polymerization reactions of styrene chlorides, either in bulk or in suspension.
- Temperature range: 45-60°C
- Recommended use: 0.03-0.15% (as supplied)
- Special advantages: less crusting in the reactor and fewer "fish eyes" in the polymer.
- It is recommended to use it in combination with a more thermally stable peroxide (e.g. Dilauroyl peroxide) to achieve a nearly constant rate of polymerization.
- Standard package: 20kg carton
statement denying or limiting responsibility
- The technical data and recommendations are based on internal testing and do not provide a guarantee of product characteristics, suitability or complete instructions for use.
- Product and shelf life performance is not warranted.
- Use of this information is at the user's responsibility and risk, and it is the user's responsibility to check and test the suitability of the product.