Product Information
- Product Name: TBPND-30-AL
- Chemical composition: tert.Butylperoxyneodecanoate
- Form: Alif solution of 30%
- CAS No. 26748-41-4
- Main applications: Used as initiator (source of free radicals) in monomer polymerization, e.g. ethylene.
- Description of Appearance: Colorless, flowing liquid consisting of approximately 30% w/w of tert.Butylperoxyneodecanoate desensitized with alefinic hydrocarbons.
Technical data
- Appearance: colorless liquid
- Peroxide content: approx. 30% w/w
- Active oxygen content: approx. 1.97% w/w
- Desensitizer: Alif hydrocarbons
- Density at 20°C: approx. 0.79 g/cm3.
- Viscosity at 20°C: approx. 2 mPa - s
- Refractive index at 20°C: approx. 1.425
- Critical temperature (SADT) in the IBC vessel: approx. 25°C
- Refrigeration stability: liquid until -25°C
- Recommended storage temperature: below -10°C
- Maximum transportation temperature (IBC): 0°C
- Storage stability (from date of delivery): 3 months
- Vinyl: Initiator for high-pressure vinyl polymerization, usually used with more thermally stable peroxides.
- Temperature range: 120-180°C
- Advantages: Highly efficient, liquid, easy to mix with high-boiling Alif hydrocarbons, obtain Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC), stainless steel, approx. 1.25 m3 content.
Standard Packaging
- 920 kg stainless steel IBC.
statement denying or limiting responsibility
- The information and technical advice provided is based on in-house testing of local raw materials and reflects the company's current knowledge and experience.
- This information does not guarantee specific product attributes or suitability for a particular application, nor does it provide complete instructions for use.
- No warranty is provided for product and shelf-life attributes, and the company assumes no responsibility or liability, including third-party intellectual property rights.
- The company reserves the right to make changes based on technological advances or further developments.
- The application and use of products based on technical recommendations is beyond our control and is the sole responsibility of the user, who must perform careful inspection and testing to verify their suitability for the intended application.