Product Information
- Product Name:SUCP-70-W
- Chemical name: Disuccinoyl peroxide
- CAS No. 123-23-9
- Content: 70%
- Form: White powder containing technically pure peroxides of disuccinic acid, desensitized by aqueous treatment.
- Uses: Used as initiator of monomer polymerization reaction, mainly used in emulsion polymerization of fluoroethylene.
Technical data
- Appearance: white powder
- Peroxide content: approx. 70%
- Active oxygen content: about 4.78%
- Desensitizer: water
- Bulk density: approx. 0.45 kg/l
- SADT: approx. 30°C
- Recommended storage temperature: below -10°C
- Storage stability (activity): 3 months from date of delivery
Application Areas
- Fluorovinyl: SUCP is partially soluble in water, so it can be used as an initiator for the emulsion polymerization of fluorovinyl. Temperature range: 70-90°C. Dosage: 0.1-0.31 TP3T as supplied. Its activity is similar to that of longer chain dodecanoyl peroxides.
Standard Packaging
- 4 x 5kg polythene bags, 20kg per box, based on dry weight.
statement denying or limiting responsibility
- All information and technical advice reflects our existing knowledge and experience based on in-house testing of local raw materials and is intended to introduce our products and applications. The information should not be construed as a warranty of the specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a particular application, nor should it be construed as providing complete instructions for use. The information makes no warranty as to the nature of the products and shelf life and does not assume any legal or other liability on our part, including with regard to existing third-party intellectual property rights, in particular patents. We reserve the right to make any changes in accordance with technical progress or further developments. The application and usage of our products according to our technical recommendations are beyond our control and are entirely the responsibility of the user. The user is obliged to carefully inspect and test incoming goods to verify their suitability for the intended use.