Perkadox BTW-50
Dibenzoyl peroxide, paste, 50% in dipropylene glycol dibenzoate and water
CAS No.: 94-36-0
Molecular weight: 242.2
Perkadox? BTW-50 is a 50% phthalate-free dibenzoyl peroxide paste for curing unsaturated polyester resins at ambient and elevated temperatures.
Perkadox? BTW-50 is a paste containing 50% dibenzoyl peroxide (phthalate free) for curing unsaturated polyester resins at ambient and elevated temperatures. Perkadox? BTW-50 should be used in combination with an aromatic tertiary amine accelerator at temperatures up to 80°C. Above 80°C no accelerator is required. Perkadox? BTW-50 was developed primarily for the putty market. For unfilled systems, Perkadox? CH 50X or Perkadox? 40E are preferred for miscibility with UP resins. Perkadox? BTW-50 shows very good chemical and physical stability and is therefore well suited for tube filling. Curing Systems Perkadox? BTW-50/amine accelerators show very fast curing, almost independent of humidity and filler. Relatively good curing will be obtained even at low temperatures. Disadvantages may be the yellow color of the moldings and poor lightfastness.