Product Description
- Product Name: NOROX? MEKP-925 FRED
- Chemical composition: Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide
- CAS No.: 1338-23-4
- Physical Form: Liquid Mixture
- DESCRIPTION: NOROX? MEKP-925 FRED is a methyl ethyl ketone peroxide containing a high level of MEKP dimer, which performs exceptionally well in most vinyl copolymer resins, especially when ortho- and isophthalic resins are used. It can be used as an active agent in most resin types.
Technical data
- Active oxygen content: not more than 9.0%
- Physical Form: Liquid
- Color: Red
- Specific Gravity @ 25°C: 1.10
- Flash Point (C.O.C.): 200°F, min.
- Flash Point (SETA C.C.): 170°F, min.
- Soluble in: Organic oxidizing solvents
- Slightly soluble in: water
- SADT: <140°F (60°C)
- Storage temperature: <80°F(27°C)
- Maximum shipping temperature: <80°F (27°C)
- NOROX? MEKP-925 FRED is an outstanding cure activator for unsaturated polyester resins and vinyl copolymer resins. It provides longer gel times and gel-to-cure times in most unsaturated polyesters, but exhibits higher peak exotherms in thicker sections.
Packaging, transportation and delivery
- Standard package size: 4x8 lb. polyethylene bottles or 40 lb. Hedpacks
- CLASSIFICATION: See specific NOROX? MEKP-925 FRED Safety Data Sheet Section 14, Transportation Description.
- NOROX? MEKP-925 FRED is available through a national network of distributors, call United Initiators, Inc. for distributor information in your area.
Additional Information
- The information and application technology recommendations contained in this document are based on internal testing of local raw materials and reflect our current level of knowledge. They are intended to provide interested parties with information about our products and their possible applications. They should not be interpreted as a guarantee of specific product performance or its suitability for a particular application. Furthermore, the information does not contain complete instructions for use. Nor does it constitute a guarantee of quality or durability. Technological advances and company progress reserve the right to make changes. Consideration should be given to any existing third party copyrights.
- The use and application of our products based on our application-specific recommendations is beyond our control and is the sole responsibility of the user. The user cannot escape the responsibility of verifying suitability and applicability to achieve the intended goal.