Product Information
- Product Name: NOROX? MEKP-9 FRED
- Chemical composition: Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide
- Physical Form: Liquid Mixture
- Color: Red
- Specific gravity (25°C): 1.14
- Flash Point (C.O.C.): 200°F
- Flash Point (SETA C.C.): 170°F
- Solubility: soluble in oxygenated organic solvents, slightly soluble in water
- SADT (Self-Absorbing Temperature): <140°F (60°C)
- Storage temperature: <80°F(27°C)
- Maximum shipping temperature: <80°F (27°C)
Product Applications
- NOROX? MEKP-9 FRED is a general purpose liquid curing agent for room temperature curing polyester resins.
- In this application, it will have a moderate to high exothermic reaction to the curing process.
- Also used for curing gelatin coatings.
Packaging, transportation and supply
- Standard package sizes are 4x8 lb and 44 lb (20 kg) polyethylene bottles.
- Available in pre-colored 44 lb (20 kg) bottles.
- Available through Global Network Supply, contact United Initiators, Inc. for the name of the distributor in your area.
Product Features
- Provides consistent room temperature performance.
- Highly pure and reliable product.
- Includes red dye to aid in mixing and to indicate curing progress as the color disappears.
Detailed information and safety instructions for this product can be found in the relevant documentation provided by the company. The use of the product should be carried out in accordance with professional recommendations for the application and is the sole responsibility of the user, who needs to verify suitability and feasibility.