Product Information
- Product Name: NOROX? MEKP-30HD
- Chemical composition: Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide
- Physical Form: Liquid Mixture
- Color: Colorless transparent liquid
- Active Oxygen Content: 5.5% Min.
- Specific gravity (25°C): 1.1-1.2
- Flash Point (C.O.C.): 200°F/93°C min.
- Flash Point (SETA C.C.): 170°F/76°C min.
- Solubility: soluble in oxygenated organic solvents, slightly soluble in water
- SADT (Self-Decomposition Temperature): >140°F (60°C)
- Shipping Temperature: <80°F (27°C)
- Storage Temperature: <80°F (27°C)
Product Applications
- NOROX? MEKP-30HD is a liquid starter for the polymerization of vinyl monomers and is particularly suitable for curing polyester resins at room temperature.
- In this application, it can have a highly exothermic reaction to the curing process.
- It is recommended to consult with the resin supplier for recommendations on the use of specific resins.
- The product is highly refined and essentially free of water, hydrogen peroxide and methyl ethyl ketone.
Packaging, transportation and supply
- Standard package sizes are 4x8 lb. polyethylene bottles, and 44 lb. or 20 kg. Hedpacks.
- Custom package sizes are available and require contacting your local distributor or United Initiators, Inc.