Product Information
- Product Name: NOROX? 420-75 OMS
- Chemical composition: tert-butyl peroxyoctanoate
- Form: liquid mixture
- CAS No.: 26748-41-4
- Main applications: For low temperature initiation of curing of unsaturated polyester and vinyl ester resins, especially suitable for high temperature processes such as Pultrusion.
Technical data
- Active ingredient: 75%
- Active oxygen content: 4.92%
- Form: colorless liquid
- Specific Gravity: 0.857 @ 25°C
- Refractive index: 1.432 @ 25°C
- Flash Point: 56°C (132°F)
- Soluble in: ethanol, benzene, hexane, methyl ethyl ketone, common organic solvents
- SADT: 15°C (59°F)
- Recommended storage temperature: < -10°C ( < 14°F)
- Maximum transportation temperature: 0°C (32°F)
- Storage stability from date of delivery: 3 months
- As an emulsion, it is easy to mix with resins and other ingredients.
- Used in combination with other peroxide initiators in the Pultrusion process in amounts ranging from 0.5 to 1.01 TP3T phr, depending on the type and amount of organic peroxide used in the initiator combination.
Half-life data
- Temperature 47°C (117°F) 64°C (147°F) 100°C (212°F)
- Time 10 hours 1 hour 0.1 hour
- Molecular weight: 244.4
- Empirical molecular formula: C14H28O3
- Standard package: 25kg HDPE drums
statement denying or limiting responsibility
- The technical data and recommendations are based on internal testing and do not provide any warranty as to product characteristics, suitability or complete instructions for use.
- Product and shelf life performance is not warranted.
- Use of this information is at the user's responsibility and risk, and it is the user's responsibility to check and test the suitability of the product.