Product Information::
- Product name: LUPEROX ? F40
- Chemical composition: 1,3,4-tert-butylperoxyisopropylbiphenyl
- Molecular weight: 338.5
- CAS No.: 25155-25-3
- EINECS number: 207-439-9
- Active oxygen content: 3.8%
- Luperox ? F40 is a bifunctional peroxide for crosslinking natural and synthetic rubber.
- Areas of application include building profiles, automotive rubber parts, wires and cables, and technical rubber parts.
- Physical form: granules
- Peroxide content: 38.0% - 42.0%
- Active Oxygen Content: 3.59% - 3.97%
- Density: 1630 Kg/m3
- Bulk density: 620 Kg/m3
- Half-life time: 60 minutes (at 139°C)
- Melting point (pure Luperox ? F): 37-57°C
- S.A.D.T (Self-Accelerated Decomposition Temperature): 80°C
- M.S.T (Maximum Storage Temperature): 30°C
decomposition product: Major decomposition products include methane, acetone, tert-butanol, diacetylbenzene, diisopropylbenzene.
Standard Packaging: 20 kg carton.
Safety and Danger::
- Please consult the safety data sheet before using the product.
- Storage temperature: < 30°C
statement denying or limiting responsibility::
- Because the conditions and methods of use of the products and the information referred to herein are beyond our control, ARKEMA expressly disclaims any and all liability for the results obtained from the use of the products or reliance on such information; no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, warranty of merchantability, or other warranty, express or implied, applies to the products described or to the information provided herein. The information provided herein relates only to the specific product designated and may not apply when that product is used in combination with other materials or in any process. Users should fully test any application prior to commercialization. No license is included herein and should not be construed as an inducement to infringe any patent, and the user should take appropriate measures to ensure that the proposed use of the product does not result in patent infringement. For health and safety information, refer to the MSDS (Safety Data Sheet).