Chemical name: Di-tert-butyl peroxide
CAS No.: 110-05-4
DTBP 50-AL: a type of theUnited InitiatorsofferedBis(tert-butyl) peroxide. It is one of the most popular methods used forModification of polypropylene rheologyrespond in singingpolymerization of vinylDTBP 50-AL presents as a colorless, mobile liquid that is desensitized with high boiling point aliphatic hydrocarbons and has a molar mass of 146.2 g/mol.
Application Areas: DTBP 50-AL is recommended for use with other peroxides in ethylene polymerization. In CR (Controlled Rheology) polypropylene, it lowers the molecular weight average and makes the polypropylene easier to (re)process. The melt flow index for controlled rheology depends on the level of peroxide used.