Product Information
- Product Name: CUROX? VP-160A
- Chemical composition: mixture, the main component is isopropylbenzene peroxide
- Appearance: slightly yellow liquid
- Active Oxygen Content: Minimum 4.95% w/w
- Density (20°C): approx. 1.03 g/cm3.
- Viscosity (20°C): approx. 4.3 mPa-s
- Water compatibility: incompatible, soluble with alcohols and esters
- Storage recommendation: below 30°C, active for 6 months
- Trigger temperature: approx. 80°C
- Packaging: 5 kg polyethylene container
- Suitable for curing unsaturated vinyl acetate resins and Novolac resins with cobalt accelerators at room temperature.
- Usage: Dose 1-21 TP3T as supplied, mixed with 0.5-11 TP3T of 11 TP3T cobalt solution. The "shelf life" of the resin with the peroxide is several weeks at room temperature. Sensitive to some fillers and heavy metals.
Curing Performance
- Moderate heat release so internal stresses are not too high
- Less sensitive to air suppression, especially with C-101 accelerant
- Suitable for almost all processing methods, especially for coating applications
Security and handling
- Storage conditions: in closed containers at temperatures below +30°C, well ventilated, away from ignition sources and high temperatures
- Isolation from hazardous and incompatible substances to avoid contamination
- Avoid skin, eye and clothing contact and wash hands before finishing work
- Recommended skin protection
- Use appropriate respiratory protection when necessary
statement denying or limiting responsibility
- The information provided is based on in-house testing and local raw materials and does not provide any warranty as to the characteristics of the product or its fitness for a particular purpose.
- No guarantee of product and shelf life characteristics, no legal liability
- Reserves the right to make any changes in accordance with technological advances or further developments
- The application and use of the product is based on the user's technical recommendations and is not controlled, it is the responsibility of the user to carry out incoming inspection and testing to verify suitability.